Monday, January 2, 2012

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

So, school starts back up tomorrow and I thought it would be a great idea to make up a few batches of fresh playdough for the kiddos.

I have a super great recipe that I love, but I found a recipe on Pinterest (my fav!) that includes jello and just had to try it.

I followed the recipe exactly. I was so excited that I ended up making two batches, one with lime jello and the other with raspberry. First I mixed all the dry ingredients and it smelled soooo good! But, soon I ended up with a huge mess! The mixture started to burn immediately and the playdough ended up so gooey and yucky!

So, I've decided to stick to my trusty recipe that I've been using for years. 

3 cups flour
1 1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
6 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 cups water
food coloring

Mix all ingredients together. Once mixed, heat in a sauce pan over medium heat (3-8 mins). Stir constantly. The dough will begin to get very stiff. Once all the dough is a stiff consistency  remove from pan onto a board. Once cool knead dough until it has a cohesive "playdough" consistency. Store in a plastic container or ziplock bag. 

This recipe is my all time favorite and I promise to never cheat on it ever again! The teacher I did my student teaching with had it scribbled on an old note card, so I'm not sure who to reference for this great recipe!

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